The website has gone live!
We have launched the website this week! At this time you can find it by typing into your browsers address bar and pressing enter/return. It will take a couple months for the major search engines like google, bing, yahoo to troll the site and process the metadata within. Once they get around to doing this you should be able to type key words and links to the website should come up somewhere in the first few pages. Right now...our que is like 44,725,990... Only one way to go and that is up! Your visits to the website will also help rise the website's rank on those search engines.
We have also set up social media accounts for the business on all the hyperlinks attached to the website. If you participate in those feel free to friend/like/tweet the business too.
As you can see our editors have been hard at work checking the site for glitches, errors, and ease of navigation. You can also contact us with suggestions or help for our editors directly from the website. We'd greatly appreciate it!